6G DIstributed and Federated Experiments in Radio, Edgeand Non-Terrestrial nEtworks
The overall objectives of the project are the establishment of over-the-air device communications and the continuity and quality of services in Edge virtualized environments in mobility situations.
At 6GDIFERENTE we focus on the following aspects:
Design and deploy the architecture of an advanced, scalable, low-cost and evolvable mobile communications network infrastructure.
Deploy, and demonstrate the viability of a communications network for highly mobile and distributed infrastructure environments.
Deploy and validate new technologies that will make a quantum leap in the efficiency and metrics of wireless and radio communications technologies.
Deploy and demonstrate experimentation services that enhance collaboration between teams to navigate, filter and visualise data and metrics captured at multiple levels.
Deploy and demonstrate the viability of delivering key 6G radio technologies in non-terrestrial environments and their integration into the mobile network, as well as the efficient management of distributed virtualised infrastructures.
Deploy demonstrators on federated, open and extensible infrastructure to enable innovative solutions for 6G technologies in vertical sectors, accessible to both industry and academia, and transferable to these sectors.
To increase the cluster’s competitiveness, so that it serves as a driving force for the industrial fabric and the Spanish scientific/technical community.
Priority technologies
Within the Cervera priority technologies, 6G Diferente is framed within the field of Advanced Mobile Networks, contributing to the advancement of Deep learning and AI in this area, and exploring the future application of Quantum Computing.
That is why in 6G Diferente we address the following:
Non-Terrestial Networks for the integration of satellite systems.
Edge-Cloud Continuum and automatic resource discovery to improve the computing capabilities of the network and make it adaptive.
Millimetre waves, quantum and wireless sensing and STAR (Simulataneous Transmit and Receive) systems to increase network capacity and adaptability to the deployment environment.
Network monitoring and AI to provide networks with greater analytical and predictive capabilities.
Energy and spectral efficiency to reduce environmental impact.
Use cases
In 6G-Different a set of use cases is designed to implement the different functions deployed in the different work packages:
An XR concert scenario is suggested, where performers are captured on volumetric video and transmitted holographically in real time to a remote audience, who interact with each other based on the content. Viewers can switch between communities of interest, which could have a major impact in areas such as education, culture and corporate communications.
Mobility Continuity
When a vehicle moves between different geographical areas, the service at the edge accompanies the migration, transferring data and communication sessions to the server, avoiding the need for re-negotiation. Mobility may involve switching from terrestrial to non-terrestrial networks due to loss of coverage or to alleviate load in saturated areas, and it is in these cases, where the mobility management must be transparent.
Characterization of radiant environments for configuration of Private Networks.
One of the main causes of quality degradation in mobile networks is the occurrence of unwanted emissions due to the operation of other wireless systems in adjacent frequency bands or the use of spectrum refarming. These functionalities are of interest to a non-public/private network manager/administrator who wants to optimise the performance of his network from a spectral point of view.